-NutriDynamix Recover: Lean-
*Calculated absorption *Proven Results *Unbeatable taste *Transparent Labeling *WADA Compliant
Every serving perfectly measured every time.
Other ingredients: Powdered Egg Whites, Erythritol, Natural Flavors, Citric Acid, Stevia Powder, Natural Color, Silicon Dioxide, Sunflower Lecithin.
For those that like to dig in a little deeper we've compiled the basic research and reasoning for each key piece of Recovery Lean. A great deal of research has been compiled by Examine.com and we will reference that research with links throughout. Please Contact us with any questions, concerns, or comments.
Egg White Protein
Muscle deterioration is caused when protein breakdown is greater than protein absorption and synthesis within the muscle fibers. Muscle growth requires the inverse condition. The four most important measurements of protein regarding absorption and synthesis are as follows:
BV: Biological value compares the amount of protein utilized by the body after initial absorption
NPU: Net Protein Utilization scales the body's conversion rate of provided amino acids into proteins
PER: Protein Efficiency Ratio attempts to quantify the amount of muscle gained relative to the amount of protein ingested
PDCAAS: Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score is widely accepted as the most accurate measurement of protein quality, scoring digestibility against an average stack of amino acids
Egg white protein powder scores remarkably high by every metric listed above and is of the cleanest sources of protein you'll ever find
The benefits of creatine on performance cannot be overstated. It is the single most researched and most effective (legal) supplement available. Creatine combines with and stores sets of phosphates. This phosphocreatine is the energy molecule used in the body's phosphagen energy system, the most explosive energy system. When coupled with adrenaline the phosphagen system is what allows a parent to lift a car off of their child. When life and death aren't at play it can give you that extra weight on your squat or extra couple reps on a set. Creatine has also shown to help brain and liver function.
Histidine; Beta Alanine; Citrulline
Where creatine improves performance, power, and explosiveness, this stack of amino acids is focused on aerobic and anaerobic recovery and performance.
Citrulline: research suggests that the amino acid has a prolonged effect on the body's ability to metabolize nitric oxide and recycle ammonia.
Beta-Alanine: shows to be a cardio recovery and performance booster on its own. It is also one of the two building blocks of carnosine a dipeptide molecule that helps protect against lactic acid build up. Some research suggests carnosine also slows down the telomere shortening rate. Although not an upper, in certain doses, beta-alanine can cause harmless tingles in the body known as paresthesia.
Histidine: is the second building block of carnosine. As such we pair it with the beta alanine to increase our carnosine levels. Like the other amino acids on this list it is not synthesized by the body and must be ingested.
BCAAs + Glutamine
Leucine, IsoLeucine, and Valine are know as Branched Chain Amino Acids. Through a variety of methods they help the body
Fight fatigue.
Improve protein synthesis.
Uptake glucose into the cells.
While many people will say that glutamine can increase muscle mass, and alleviate muscle soreness, the science isn't entirely clear on those claims. What is clear however is that glutamine is very effective at boosting intestinal and immune system health. Preventing illness is possibly the best way to "recover".
Betaine Anhydrous
Also know as Trimethylglycine, the main benefit of supplementation is a decrease in homocysteine, a common amino acid that is directly correlated with heart disease and high blood pressure.
There is some evidence that supplementation of Betaine may also improve muscle power, strength and endurance. As well as promote protein synthesis and fat loss.
Betaine may have a role in treating fatty liver when taken in appropriate doses.